Virtual Learning Program News

CCFAS Virtual Learning Information

The CCFAS Virtual Learning program offers virtual tutoring Monday- Thursday from 9:47-10:22am.  Use the Google Meet link to access virtual tutoring. 

Please note that each class has a different Google Meet code.  Visit the class Schoology page to access the Google Meet during your designated class time. 

The Virtual "bell" schedule is below:

Virtual Homeroom: 7:15-7:25am

Google Meet Code- igreenbergVACHR

Virtual Period 1: 7:35-8:25am

Virtual Period 2: 8:50-9:40am

Virtual Lunch/Tutoring: 9:47-10:22am

Google Meet Code- flexVAC

Virtual Period 3: 10:45-11:35am

Virtual Period 4: 12:15-1:05pm